What is a Sponsored Merchant? Your Easy Guide

What does Sponsored Merchant mean?

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A merchant who signs a contract with a payment service provider in order to obtain payment services.

It is the job of the sponsored merchant to clear its transactions through a payment service provider. This process is known as the merchant of record within the payment system for the transaction that is carried out. There are certain steps that you need to take in order to become a sponsored merchant.

Sponsored MerchantBecoming a sponsored merchant is suitable for certain businesses that don’t qualify for the more rigorous requirements to become a direct merchant. These include unregistered businesses, merchants who may have been terminated by the Card Associations, high-risk businesses, and start-ups or inexperienced businesses.

Rebekah Carter

Rebekah Carter is an experienced content creator, news reporter, and blogger specializing in marketing, business development, and technology. Her expertise covers everything from artificial intelligence to email marketing software and extended reality devices. When she’s not writing, Rebekah spends most of her time reading, exploring the great outdoors, and gaming.

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